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Index > Services > Maintenance and repairs of tools and moulds

Údržba a opravy nástrojů a forem

Repairs and servicing

We have the capability to: 

  • inspect tools, moulds, jigs, fixtures and devices that our customers are using in their production
  • give our customers advice as to functional improvements or necessary repairs
  • use our car fleet to transport whole tools or its sections to our facility and submit it to partial repair or complete overhaul
  • use a wide array of technologies reunited at our site to analyze and remedy even complex problems in large tools and assemblies
  • destroyed or damaged components can be disassembled, measured or reverse engineered
  • missing documentation can be created
  • parts can be repaired or replaced
  • tools can be reassembled and put back on track often within just a few hours from the original delivery

Preventive maintenance

With large storage space we also can offer our customers continuous or preventive maintenance of their production equipment which they need not keep constantly available at their production site. Be it hydraulic holding fixtures, forming tools, injection moulds or other devices, after carrying out all necessary interventions the reassembled equipment can be:

  • measured on our CMMs
  • tested for a predefined number of cycles on our testing stations
  • both the CMM measurement and the dry run can be documented by detailed reports

Subsequently the equipment can be delivered back to the customer or stored at our site for later call-off.